Pod Hradbami 662/9

Original owners

On June 25, 1927, bought Mrs. Anna Diamantová, born 14. 12. 1868 and Mrs. Mariana Kafková (birth surname Diamantová) born 15. 8. 1897, wife of lawyer JUDr. Pavel Kafka, from the Capital City of Prague, land with the ownership certificate No. 700, cadastral district Střešovice. It was entered in the title deed after both names „half Jewish“1.

The Kafkaes become parents of two daughters, Hanna Kafková was born 2. 5. 1928 and Eva Kafková was born 17.4.1932. Family was forced to hand over the villa to the Emigration Fund for Bohemia and Moravia (Auswanderungsfond für Böhmen und Mähren) in April 1940. Fund was established a month earlier, as a component of the Central Office for Jewish Emigration. All confiscated property was transfered to the fund and the deportation of Jews was subsequently financed from it. In October, the entire Kafka family was deported to the ghetto in Lodž, in one of the first transports sent from Bohemia2. No one in the family lived to see the end of the war.

Villa architecture

The construction of the house was commissioned by the companies Ehrmann and Steuer, Jungmannova 32, Prague 2. The house was designed by the design company of Ing. Rudolf Ehrmann for mother and daughter as an elegant symmetrical semi-detached house in neo-classicist style. Completion of the construction proces dates back to May 22, 1928, when the City of Prague issued a permit to „ inhabit and use“3.


Use of the residence

The property passed on September 13, 1945, according to the announcement of the Ministry of Labor Protection and Social Care, of July 17, 194, No 4300 – 17/7 and Decree of the President of the Republic 19/5 1945 No5 Coll., under the National Administration. The villa was managed by the Housing company of the Capital of the City of Prague and subsequently in 1978 it was handed over to the Administration of the Diplomatic Corps services in Prague, successor organization of which is today´s Diplomatic Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affaires.

In the residence, which was divided into individual flats after the war, they were accommodated mainly employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affaires until 1981. Later villa was leased to the Embassy of Nigeria for more, than twenty years, then the Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus, and currently the entire property is used by the Embassy of the Kazakhstan.


1 Vl. č. 700 k. ú. Střešovice výpis z pozemkové knihy ze dne 7. 4. 1992
2 Židovské muzeum v Praze, PhDr. Jana Šplíchalová https://www.holocaust.cz/databaze-obeti/obet/80766-anna-diamantova/, https://www.holocaust.cz/databaze-dokumentu/dokument/373797-kafkova-marie-nezpracovano/
3 Úřad městské části Praha 6, Odbor výstavby, technická knihovna č. j. III 16825/28 ze dne 22. května 1928